Capacitive Dew Point Analyzers

Dew Point Analyzers are measurement devices that measure temperature, dew point (a concept where water freezes) and density changes of water at specific temperatures. These special analyzers are used to monitor the effects of climate change on the climate state of a specific region. Some countries have specific laws that mandate the reporting and analysis of these dew point changes. These instruments have changed significantly through the years as they have gone from large and bulky analog devices that were difficult to use to digital instruments that are easier to operate and more accurate.

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The most popular hydrocarbon analyzer. It’s installed throughout the globe in gas stations, pipelines, power plants, and storage facilities. It’s the only analyzer on the planet that is able to measure both water and hydrocarbon dew point, unambiguously by using highly sensitive optical spectroscopy methods. The instrument creates two images: one with an area of high moisture and low density and another area of low moisture and high density. When you compare the two images using a spectroscope, you will detect the difference between water and hydrocarbons present in the air as well as the density of the water vapor and the concentration of the hydrocarbons in the air.

Other types include ultrasonic and conductive wet cell dew point analyzers. All of them employ some variation of the same techniques that make them unique. Most modern day capacitive dew point analyzers use what is called a chilled mirror which is a mirror that has been lowered into a body of water to prevent it from warming up before detection. The chilled mirror then measures the reflected image of the reflected water droplets and calculates the density and surface tension of the droplets. In many modern applications, this is coupled with the use of a computer to control the measurement and results are displayed immediately.