Getting the Right Drug Rehab Program

Drug rehab centers offer different ways of treatment for drug abuse. It may be through individual or group therapy. The cost varies with different centers. Treatment may take place in a hospital or other residential or non-residential setting. Treatment for drug abuse generally depends on the severity of the addiction and the ability of the person to recover.

Inpatient drug rehab is a combination of counseling, treatment, and support that is designed to find, treat, and learn how to cure emotional addiction to illicit substances (including alcohol). The different kinds of inpatient rehab are: Outpatient – This kind of rehab is for those who can’t commit to daily inpatient treatment in a specific facility. Participants often come to outpatient clinics for short term treatment and then go home. Participants typically have limited resources for housing, transportation, food, and social activities.

Inpatient relapse prevention therapy targets preventing drug relapse by helping people identify and avoid triggers that lead to addiction. Some common triggers include early use, casual supervision, social environment, family history, psychological problems, financial problems, substance use among friends or associates, and relationships with negative people or groups. These triggers are discussed in depth and the importance of not letting them lead you to drug rehabilitation centers.

Treatment is generally in an outpatient rehab setting, meaning you will receive treatment from doctors, nurses, therapists, and social workers. You can use the services of the medical staff at a medical facility as well as in drug rehabilitation centers. These services are more intense in an inpatient setting. While you are in treatment, you will be assigned a primary care physician, typically a psychiatrist. Your doctor and therapist will work closely with you to design a personalized treatment plan based on your individual needs and circumstances.

Treatment can take several forms and most inpatient treatment programs include 12-step programs, individual and group counseling, private counseling sessions, drug education, support for loved ones during treatment, and detoxification from alcohol addiction. An inpatient rehab program is often the best choice for those with serious alcohol addiction or drug addiction due to severe symptoms such as severe physical dependence. Family support is an essential part of staying clean and sober. Drug rehab programs are best for those who do not wish to change their life or commit to long-term treatment. They often provide information about local resources for medical assistance if needed.

orange county drug rehab

Both outpatient and inpatient treatment options offer comprehensive programs with highly skilled therapists, counselors, doctors, and nurses. Some clinics offer both types of therapy and can recommend a suitable option for your specific needs. Both can help you develop skills to deal with stress and learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Both programs are aimed at helping you get back into society with a renewed sense of self-esteem and a willingness to make positive changes for your future. To get the treatment you need, contact one of the many local treatment programs today.