Health Insurance Benefits – Effective Date and Plan Adjustments

The above categories of workers are qualified for state insurance benefits: Executive Management, Professional, Part time Retail and Wholesale Employee, Sales and Marketing, Medical and Dental, Engineering and Science Staff, and Technical Support Employees. In some states, such as New York, there is a list of professions that are excluded from coverage, and the benefits will be specified by the insurance department. If you fit any one of these categories, you should discuss your insurance eligibility with the benefits administrator. The benefits administrator will help you to determine the levels of coverage and services that you qualify for.

One Sure Insurance

State insurance benefits may also include emergency medical assistance, accident benefits, disability income, child care assistance, education, health and dental benefits, home health care, life insurance, medical payments, loss of income, mortgage loan protection, transportation, residential assistance, sick leave, maternity and paternity, and worker’s compensation insurance. You can get additional information about these categories of insurance benefits and eligibility for each category at the Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs (OWCP) website. If you are currently covered by an employer sponsored health insurance plan, it is important to review your plan to make sure you have the right type of coverage. Some plans may need to be adjusted to meet the new definitions of disability, income and medical conditions.

State insurance benefits are most effective when the laws of the state are followed. Most companies offering health insurance coverage in New York modify their benefit plans to take into account the changes in the law after the effective date. For example, if a company changes the definition of disability, the definition of a pre-existing condition, or the amount of benefits the employee is eligible to receive, the benefit plans may not be as effective. As a result, if you need to make significant changes to your health insurance coverage, you should contact an experienced professional agent who can help you understand your options and make the best plan for your needs.