How to Read the Bible and Actually Get Something Out of It

Reading the Bible isn’t like reading any other book. There are specific ways to read the Bible that will allow you to get more out of it, as opposed to simply skimming it or trying to understand it on an analytical level. Reading the Bible is about so much more than just understanding what the words mean. It is about allowing God to speak directly to your heart through His word, and trusting what you read because of your faith in God. It’s also about reading in such a way that makes you want to read even more. Reading the Bible can seem like a daunting task. There are so many books of the Bible (66, if you include both testaments). They are all full of unfamiliar terms and phrases that do not always make sense right away. But there is also something very comforting about reading the Word of God. It’s reassuring that there are so many people who have gone before us holding this book as sacred and important, trusting in its teachings as true and meaningful.

Read the Bible in order.

Most people’s Bibles will have an order to the books that is based on both chronology and literary style. Chronology is the order in which things happened in history. Literary style is the order in which books were written and the literary genre each book fits into. There is also an order to reading the books of the Bible in terms of reading it from start to finish. You should always start with the first book of the Bible, Genesis. This is the genealogy of when and how everything began. It shows the beginning of time, and the beginning of God’s relationship with man.

Read it at least 3 times.

Yes, you read that correctly. You should read the Bible AT LEAST 3 times. The first time you read the Bible, start at the beginning and read straight through until you get to the end, no matter how long it takes you. You are getting familiar with the language and the stories contained in the Bible. After you’ve finished reading the Bible once, you should do it again, but try to read it in a different way the second time. Read it like a map: What is the main theme of each book? What is each chapter and verse trying to say? This time, when you finish reading the Bible, try reading it again. This is the most important reading of the Bible. This is when you open your heart to God and allow Him to speak to you through His word.

Keep a journal while you read.

A journal is a personal notebook that can help you when reading the Bible. It’s a place where you can write about what you’ve read and what it means to you personally. You can also use it to write down your thoughts and feelings about what you’ve read. Any notebook will work, but try to find one that you really like because you’re going to be spending a lot of time with it. Make it a part of your daily routine to write in your journal. This can be before or after you read the Bible.

Find a reading partner or group.

Having a reading partner or group can be very helpful while reading the Bible. It’s nice to have someone to talk to about what you’ve read, and having a partner will help keep you accountable while you read. There are many online groups that you can join and talk to other like-minded individuals about the Bible and its teachings.

Take notes while you read.

To help you understand what you’re reading, try taking notes while you read. This can be anything from an outline to a list of questions you have about what you’ve read. In addition to taking notes, try to look up any words or phrases you don’t know as you come across them. If one word keeps coming up, make a note of it. Over time this will build your understanding of the Bible.

Ask yourself questions as you read.

As you read try to make connections between what you’ve read and your own life. Ask yourself questions such as: What does this passage mean to me? How does this apply to my life? How does this reflect who I am as a person? This will help you understand the Bible on a much deeper level than just reading it would alone. It’s a great way to make connections between the Bible and the real world.

Sum up what you’ve read so far and ask new questions.

After you’ve finished reading the Bible once, take a break from it. Start reading again but try to summarize what you’ve read so far. This will help keep you focused and on track as you read through it again. It can also be a great way to open your heart up to understanding the Bible more personally. Try to ask new questions and make connections that you didn’t before.

Bottom line

Reading the Bible is a very personal and intimate experience. As you read, you are letting God speak directly to your heart and soul through His word. The more you read the Bible verse of the day, the more you will learn about God and His wants and desires for you and your life.