Many homeowners don’t want to risk their health and that of their families

It’s no secret that those who live in close proximity to landfills may be vulnerable to contamination of water sources. Landfills can affect the water supply both underground and above ground. Residents who live close to landfills, or sources of water that are situated near landfills, need to be aware of drinking water and look into the use of high-quality water filters as an additional layer of protection.

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As previously mentioned landfills can affect water sources through two methods. The first is through percolation.

Landfills can quickly become overflowing with water. Rainfall is the primary source of the problem, but there are other methods like melting snow. Additionally, a lot of the garbage that gets put in landfills is likely to produce its own moisture , which then trickles to the ground.

The moisture that is absorbed by landfill materials can be absorbed into soil. As it moves downwards it could eventually enter underground Aquifers. The same aquifers could be utilized by municipal water companies , or those who obtain drinking water through private wells.

The other way in which landfill water can be a source of contamination for water is through run-off. Runoff is basically excessive moisture that drains out of the landfill, over surfaces, or then into the waterways like rivers streams, lakes, and rivers.

In addition surface water is typically utilized by water treatment plants that may be located downstream of the landfill or near the point of entry for the contaminated water.

In both instances, contamination via run-off or seepage contaminants found in the waste water of landfills can pose a risk to health. Along with bacteria, and other forms organic matter water can contain heavy metals like copper and lead chemical wastes, among other toxic substances.

Newly constructed landfills typically are aware of these issues and have designed the site to stop run-off and seepage off. The older landfills don’t have the proper designs that prevent these. It’s important to remember that even abandoned landfills ones that are not being used for a long time, could be a risk to the safety of water for decades.

Many homeowners don’t want to risk their health and that of their families. One option to avoid pollution by landfills would be to install high-quality water purification systems in your home.

High-quality water filters can capture and eliminate many of the contaminants found in surface and groundwater. Water filters are inexpensive and easy to put in. The installation of water filters is particularly important for those who receive drinking water through private wells. They are not monitored or controlled by the water authorities in the state, and can be susceptible to contamination that the home owner may not realize until it’s too to late.