Neck Injuries in Car Accident Cases

Neck Injuries in a Car accident, which are as minor as bumps or bruises, can cause a person to not be able to move their head fully and can leave them paralysed. Neck Injuries in a Car accident can be the result of anything from a blow to the head by the vehicle in front, to something such as a change in direction by the driver. Neck Injuries can also occur as the result of a misjudgment of how high to drive. The severity of the injury will be based on the force and direction of impact as well as any permanent damage that may have been done to the area.

Most of these injuries will heal quickly and the person should be able to resume their normal lifestyle soon after the accident. The exception would be if there is severe and ongoing pain from anemia as a result of the bruising that is so severe that there is not enough room for the blood to flow through the veins. In these cases the best thing to do would be to go to the hospital and see a specialist in emergency medicine. A specialist in emergency medicine can be called to assess the severity of the situation and prescribe the most effective medications to treat the anemia.

Other injuries that can occur in an accident involving a vehicle can include trauma or other types of internal injuries. These can range from whiplash or even a broken bone. Whiplash can be very dangerous because the force from the impact of the vehicle can cause the vertebrae to be displaced forward, causing severe and long term pain. Internal injuries might include internal bleeding or swelling in the neck area. This can be handled quite effectively by a physician or a nurse in the attending ambulance, who will be able to give the necessary treatment to prevent the internal bleeding from getting out of control.

One of the more common types of injuries resulting from auto accidents are bone fractures. These can range from small breakage of the jaw to complete skull fracture. Obviously if the damage is serious enough, such as a fracture, then the chances of being able to regain some function of your upper or lower body are lessened. If the bones have already broken, then it is unlikely that any real treatment will be successful.

Another form of injuries that can occur in a vehicle accident would include whiplash. Whiplash can result in extreme pain that is felt all the way from the back of the head down to the bottom of the legs. A veteran police report can note whether or not the victim suffered whiplash during an auto accident. If so, then medical treatment must be sought as soon as possible.

neck injuries

The final form of injuries that can occur during a vehicle accident would be an ulcer disability. An ulcer disability is most commonly noted by a veteran medic. An ulcer is a condition where parts of the tissue in the stomach or intestines end up severely damaged. This can cause a person’s body to reject the food being consumed due to damaged tissue. Most ulcers can be treated through the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. If a veteran has been diagnosed with an ulcer disability, then it is advised that they seek medical attention as soon as possible.