Once you’ve created your group, you need to spread the word to announce

If you’re among around one million individuals living in the United States living with interstitial cystitis, also known as IC and you’re aware that the illness can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life. However, you need to be aware that you’re not the only one because there are a variety of organizations and support groups that know about the challenges of living dealing with the condition. They provide invaluable information as well as information on how to cope with, living, and flourishing with the illness.

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If there’s no group or an association to deal with IC in your region or community, you can begin your own by reaching out to the Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) which will provide helpful advice on how to become an ICA support group leader. Beginning your own group can be extremely rewarding because you’ll take the role of bringing people together with the same problems.

Once you’ve created your group, you need to spread the word to announce your upcoming meetings. A lot of general practitioners, urologists as well as gynecologists and hospitals will put up announcements in their waiting rooms regarding appropriate support groups for their patients. Flyers with informational content can be placed in the libraries, in supermarkets and on bulletin boards in community and in hospital newsletters. Some groups host guests including pain management specialists and provide participants with informative handouts that contain the most recent news regarding IC.

A few of the subjects and issues that are discussed during the common IC support group meetings are:

Topics for treatment include conventional as well as alternative strategies

Diet, nutrition and exercise

Self-help techniques and tips

– Treatment of pain

– Reduction of stress

Sexuality and pregnancy IC

Support groups are great places to discuss your personal experiences with other like-minded people who are able to offer support and up-to-date information on interstitial cystitis. While IC is prevalent in women and men from all social classes, many people aren’t aware of the condition and its severe consequences. Many aren’t comfortable talking about this illness with people who do not suffer from it.