People who suffer from this disorder are often unaware that they suffer from it

Sleep Apnea is a disorder that is marked by unusual pauses in the breathing pattern, or by instances of excessively low breathing in sleep. Each breath pause is referred to as an “apnea” – – a term which is derived from Greek term “apnoia” which translates to “without breathing”. When you breathe normally the frequency of pauses is consistent and consistent. When the pattern of breathing alters due to a variety of causes, or the time between pauses become irregular, this can result in sleep apnea disorders. Every breath pause that is irregular is termed “hypopnea.” Therefore, when it comes to normal breathing, every interval or pause is referred to as an “apnea” however in the case of breathing that is irregular, it is called “hypopnea.”

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Sleep apnea symptoms

The people who suffer from this disorder are often unaware that they suffer from it. Certain signs can indicate whether the person has the condition. The most prominent symptoms are:


Unrestful sleep patterns

Gasping or choking while you sleep

Night sweats

Being extremely sleepy throughout the daytime

Frequent and loud snoring

Trouble breathing in the night

Other indicators of a possible disorders are:


Morning headaches

Memory loss

Inability to learn new concepts


Inability to stay focused for longer


Changes in mood and/or personality

Dry throat after waking

Nighttime urination is frequent.

Sleep apnea causes

The majority of cases are because of a fat accumulation or loss of muscle tone and strength, particularly during the aging process. This particular condition affects the muscles of the trachea (“trachea” refers to the windpipe) as well as the muscles of the soft palate at the bottom of the tongue as well as the uvula (“uvula” is the triangular , tiny tissue of flesh hanging from the middle of the throat’s back) can relax to a significant extent , and then collapse during breathing process. In simple terms, the windpipe is stretched and its layers become adnate to each other, limiting the airflow into the lung. It can also happen because of a malfunction in neurons that regulate breathing when you sleep. The sleep disorder is diagnosed with the overnight polysomnogram test. It is an examination of sleep that is widely used to identify sleeping disorders and associated problems.

The effects of sleep apnea

Although the sleep disorder appears to be common and unaddressed issue, it could result in serious health issues. If it is not treated the condition could lead to:


Sexual dysfunction


High blood pressure

The irregular heartbeats

Coronary Heart Disease

Chronic Heart Failure

Insuflation of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

Different types of sleep apnea

There are three kinds of sleep apnea.

OSA is an obstructive sleeping disorder. (OSA)

Central sleep apnea (CSA)

Sleep apnea that is mixed (MSA)

While all three kinds of sleep conditions differ in their causes and treatment are as far as treatment is concerned, one feature remains typical – certain areas that comprise the respiratory system are narrowed down, reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches the patient’s lungs.

OSA is an obstructive sleeping disorder. (OSA)

It is a very frequent form of the disorder, which is found in the most people with sleep disorder. Obstructive sleep Apnea is a physical condition. This type of disorder is usually identified by those who suffer from:

More weight (overweight)

Small jaw line

A tiny air passage within the trachea (windpipe)

Large tongue


The primary cause of OSA has the same cause one as previously mentioned in the case of sleep apnea. It can also get worse when the person drinks alcohol, ingestion of tranquilizers, or sleeping pills.

Central sleep apnea (CSA)

It’s a fairly rare type of sleeping disorder where the tracheal muscles are not able to stretch to an excessive extent while the airway stays sufficient to ensure that air can move through. In this specific disorder , the diaphragm and chest muscles are temporarily unable to function as they should which leads to lower oxygen levels in blood. The lower oxygen levels affect the normal metabolism of the body. Additionally, the brain is also receiving less oxygen, and the patient is affected by memory loss and slow learning, as well as sluggish reactions, and the inability to focus for a long time.

Sleep apnea with mixed sleep (MSA)

In extremely rare instances there are instances where people experience both sleep apnea obstructive or central sleep apnea at the same time. In these instances the two sleep disorders manifest in a way that they overlap and the person may be affected by one or the other at the same time or even a combination of both. The psychological or pathological effects of this disorder are not determined or analyzed since a variety of elements affect its manifestation.

Treatment for sleep apnea

The treatment options for sleep disorder differs according to the severity of the person affected. The treatment is generally able to be provided through procedures and therapies based on how severely the disorder affects the person. The treatment includes:


Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

The therapy is typically utilized when the patient suffers from mild to severe sleep disorders. The treatment consists of a device that releases oxygen (oxygen) through a mask worn on the nose during sleep. The pressure of the air remains higher than the pressure of the air surrounding it and is only powerful enough for keeping the airways open.

Adjustable airway pressure devices

In this type of therapy the special air pressure device adjusts the oxygen and pressure levels even when the patient is sleeping. The principle function that the gadget performs is the same as that utilized in CPAP therapy, however , it is a more advanced version and also supports the bi-level pressure of positive airway (BPAP). The device delivers more pressure while inhaling and lessens the pressure when exhaling.

ASV stands for Adaptive Servo Ventilation. (ASV)

The airflow device is able to learn and comprehends the pattern of breathing that normal people use and store the information inside a built-in computer. When you’re asleep, the machine regulates air pressure to restore the normal breathing pattern and avoids any interruptions in breathing. ASV is more effective than CPAP when managing central sleep apnea for certain individuals.

Oral appliances

This treatment requires wearing an appliance for the mouth that is specially made to keep the throat “open”. Oral appliances are simpler to utilize. Certain appliances are designed to keep the mouth open by moving the jaw forward. This could at times help reduce snoring and stop mild obstructive sleep apnea.


The principal goal of sleep apnea surgery is to remove excess tissue from the throat or nose that may cause obstruction to the breathing passage. The surgical options are:

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)

In this procedure, the excess tissues are removed back of your mouth and at the top of your throat. Sometimes the tonsils and adenoids can also be removed. This kind of procedure can be effective in stopping the snoring problem, but based on research findings, it appears to be less effective at treating sleep apnea because the tissues that are further in the trachea (windpipe) can hinder the air passageway. UPPP procedure is usually performed in a hospital and involves the use of general anesthesia.


The jaw moves forward by the facial bones that remain. This opens up the space between the tongue as well as the soft palate, which reduces the obstruction of air. This procedure could require the assistance from an oral surgeon or an orthodontist. It can also be in conjunction along with surgical techniques to increase the chance of successful results.


This is a crucial surgery and is only suggested when other treatments do not work and the patient suffers from grave or life-threatening sleep apnea. This procedure creates the neck is opened up in the neck , and the tube made of plastic or metal is introduced into the trachea to allow we breathe. The tube is covered in the daytime, then at night it’s left open to let air in the lung. The tube assists in bypassing the obstruction in the air passageway.

Mandar Majmudar is an experienced author who’s worked with his BPO as well as KPO segments over the last several years. He has been involved in numerous web projects that involved design and writing aspects. He has taught professionals in technical and content writing for multinational companies, as well as entrepreneurs with small or medium size businesses. He is a specialist in the creation of content that is based on concepts – the client presents the concept, and then the writer develops various types of content formats in order to present concepts on the internet.