Top Causes Of Car Accidents And What You Can Do About Them

Leading causes of car accidents include Distracted Driving, Wasting Spots and Rear End collisions. This is probably the number one leading cause of auto accidents in the U.S. right now. Speeding is the second most frequent cause of auto accidents. It is considered a factor if not an excuse for speeding.

As far as personal injuries are concerned, the leading causes of automobile accident are Collisions involving other vehicles or objects. The leading causes of death for those who have been involved in automobile accidents are: head injuries, neck injuries, spine injuries and burns. There are many different personal injury lawsuits that arise out of automobile accidents and personal injury claims. They can include payment for medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering and more. Each of these can be determined by analyzing the type of injury sustained, its location, extent and the amount of damages incurred. A person filing a personal injury lawsuit must also prove that he or she was actually at fault for the accident.

When it comes to the leading causes of motor vehicle collisions, they are most often the result of driver distraction. This results from a lack of proper seat belts, good visibility, adequate side visibility, proper signaling and road conditions. Distraction caused by text messaging, cell phones, other passengers and changing lanes can also result in car crashes. These are just some of the causes which may result in collisions. Impairment of your vision, blood alcohol level, drugs and other issues can also be considered distractions. If there is any evidence that you caused these accidents, they will definitely be held against you.

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Most drivers tend to drive on roads with broken lanes and other unsafe conditions. These factors pose hazards to motorists and other drivers on the roadway. This in turn, increases the chances of car crashes on these unsafe roads. Lane changing is one of the causes of collisions that happen on busy highways and interstates. Lane changing can cause both rear end and front end accidents. There are several ways how you can avoid these potentially dangerous situations on the roadways such as using the highway shoulder as a gap, making use of the turns and merging properly into your lane when traveling on the highway.

Distraction is not the only reason why many motorists hit a stationary object or a bush. Rear-end crashes usually occur when the vehicles are not moving at the time of the collision. When drivers fail to notice other cars coming up behind them, they cannot react quickly enough to avoid an accident. They are forced to take evasive action and collide with another vehicle. Failure to pay enough attention to other drivers on the road can result in a high fatality rate.

When it comes to the leading causes of road accidents, they include failure to yield, driver distraction, poor visibility and poor road conditions. If you want to save yourself from some potentially disastrous auto collision, then make sure that you drive carefully on the roads. Always keep in mind that the roads are designed for your protection and are never intended for other drivers’ convenience and safety. Following all the safety guidelines and keeping your car up to date with the latest safety innovations will ensure that you drive on the road safely.