Carpet Cleaning Tips That Will Make Your Carpets Looking New and Fresh

Carpet cleaning isn’t always a breeze. Sure, there are all those cleaning products out there, but how do you know if they’ll work? How do you know if they’ll get the stain out, or if they’ll leave a spot that needs a good brushing? There are some things to consider when it comes to carpet cleaning that might help you decide whether or not you should hire someone to come in and take care of your carpet cleaning. Here are a few carpet cleaning tips:

Clean your carpets at least every six months – Yes, you read that correctly! Carpet cleaning tips like keeping your carpet fibers as clean as possible, so that they’re not hiding any of that nasty grime any longer! Think about all of the new dust, dirt and debris that’re bringing into your house during the warmer seasons, all of the leaves and twigs which are pulled through the door in Winter, and all of the new dirt and dust that melt out of your feet in the Summer months.

Use a vacuum – Vacuuming can be one of the best carpet cleaning tips out there. Carpets tend to attract a lot of dirt and stains from outside, and this is especially true with bare feet. Using a vacuum will help remove the stains and dirty minerals from your floor without actually having to use chemicals. This might sound odd, but think about how many times you’ve turned on the vacuum and it didn’t pick up any of those ugly red stains from underneath your sofa. The vacuum actually picked up all those stains from under your couch and carpeting without needing any extra chemicals.

Keep your carpets looking new and fresh – One of the most common carpet cleaning tips is to make sure that you keep your carpets looking as clean as possible. You can actually go as far as to get a carpet cleaning machine, or even invest in a vacuum cleaner that has a head that will pick up more than just the regular dirt and spills that occur in and around the home. This will keep your carpets looking like new and fresh for much longer!

Don’t rub – Rubbing doesn’t work when it comes to cleaning up stains. You should never try to use a toothbrush to try to remove a spill on your carpet. Spills like this will attract dirt and will even sometimes leave behind a residue that’s much harder to remove. Instead, blot up the spill. Simply take a damp sponge, dip it in some water, and rub the wet sponge over the stain.

Use special cleaners for spills – There are special cleaning solutions for almost every carpet cleaning job. Some stains require a stronger solution, while others can be safely cleaned with only a liquid detergent or a simple mixture of water and vinegar. If you have children, they might also benefit from special cleaning solutions for carpets and rugs. For instance, acidic stains can be safely treated with baking soda, peroxide, or lemon juice. These cleaning agents will break down the substance that has caused the stain, and they’ll usually leave the area looking whiter and brighter than it originally was.