Greatest Medical Inventions

What are the greatest medical inventions that changed the medical world and the way we live today? This is the question being asked of visitors of the Riverfront Museum at Peoria, Illinois while it holds an exhibit, 10 Innovations That Changed the World. The answer as you know is that there have been many major inventions throughout history, but there are a select few that really stand out and were the turning points for humankind. One such important invention came from the Black Death. This was one of the largest pandemics in history and killed a large percentage of the population in Europe and much of the Middle East.


During this time there were many great medical discoveries made that were able to help cure diseases, including a chemical called sodium hypochlorite which was used to treat cholera and dysentery. Another important invention came from the ancient Chinese. They invented the mirror, which they used to check the severity of their wounds. Another medical device that was invented during this time period was the electric chain which was operated by a lever attached to a metal rod. This medical invention helped save lives and was considered to be a stepping stone to more complex medical devices.

Other inventions include the sewing machine, the electric blanket and the telephone. Each one of these inventions gave humanity a new way to assist the sick and wounded. The medical world did not slow down under the onslaught of these great medical creations. While researchers continue to look for ways to improve on these inventions, we can be proud of all that they have done and continue to do for the betterment of all mankind. It is time we stopped looking back and started to look forward, remembering what medical inventions we can thank for improving the quality of life for so many.