How Epoxy Flooring Protection Can Help Your Home

Epoxy flooring has been around for decades, and its benefits are widely recognized. In addition to the many great ways it can be used for, epoxy flooring has a number of drawbacks that are worth avoiding. Among these is epoxy’s inability to support any weight above approximately two hundred pounds per square foot, which means that if you have heavier items on the board, like extra furniture or perhaps a boat, epoxy flooring will be unable to withstand the pressure. Additionally, epoxy is porous, meaning that some types of allergens and other pollutants can easily penetrate its surface, meaning that more people might be negatively affected by epoxy flooring than would be affected by ceramic tile, for instance.

An epoxy flooring option that can help combat these drawbacks is interlocking floor tiles. What is FRP?These are just like regular floor tiles, except they are manufactured as part of an entire installation. The installation process consists of first preparing the subfloor, which can be done with a damp mop. Then the tiles are installed in place one at a time. Epoxy tiles will then be poured into the holes, one at a time, until the entire floor has been covered.

Epoxy floors are a great way to improve the look of a newly constructed building, but they don’t last forever. If you want to preserve your epoxy flooring for as long as possible, you should make sure you take care of some basic problems. For example, because the coating is so sticky and resilient, it’s important not to walk on it. In addition to leaving behind large cracks, heavy foot traffic can cause those cracks to widen, so it’s a good idea to try to avoid using heavy objects on the floor. If you must use heavy objects, try to use non-skid floor materials, such as wood.