How to Define Innovation

Many people have little knowledge about the difference between innovation and invention. Well, this article tries to understand the difference between innovation and invention in layman’s terms. Innovation is the development of new ideas and invention is the process of bringing existing things into new form. Between invention and innovation definition: innovation refers to the actual occurrence of an innovative idea for a new product or procedure that has not been available before.

On the other hand, the invention is the actual happening of a new idea, process or product that results in some useful result, useful machinery or useful device. For instance, if an inventor develops new techniques for designing and fabricating paper-making equipment, then he or she can call his or her new invention and innovation. However, it may not necessarily follow that his or her invention will receive patent protection from the Patent Office. The term “invention” refers to a creation or new process, while “patent” refers only to the authority granted to manufacture and sell products under patent law.

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While the process of innovation is an ongoing one, inventors generally focus on new technologies that they believe will bring them wealth and fame. Often, the commercial benefits of innovations are far greater than the monetary rewards. However, the patenting process creates hurdles that prevent many innovators from obtaining protection for their innovations.